Professional & Promotional

It is dedicated to the production of promotional items and personalized clothing through a multiphase approach.

Valutazione del prodotto

Evaluation and selection of the product

A qualitative and economic analysis of the project is carried out, taking into account the level of competitiveness on the market and compliance with the essential requirements laid down by the sector’s regulations. The aim is to ensure a controlled process in every respect.


Once the strategic analysis has been completed, the proposal is formalised. The Service Level Agreement allows you to define points related to the service you want to get. In order to define the agreement between the parts, you can choose pre-existing model, or opt for one customizable.
Accordo commerciale
Prototipo produzione

Prototypes and Production

Once the product has been assessed to comply with the established commercial objectives, a sample is produced until a final prototype is obtained. Once approved, we proceed with the production phase, carrying out periodic checks to monitor the deadlines.